Counting the minutes on allied health care
Currently, Australians receiving aged care are, on average, only obtaining eight minutes of allied health care per day. [ + ]
Knee osteoarthritis and inactivity: the painful truth
Only one in 10 people with knee osteoarthritis regularly exercise, with many believing that activity is dangerous for their joints. [ + ]
Rethinking the cause of Alzheimer's disease
The accepted view as to what causes Alzheimer's disease has been questioned by a new QUT study. [ + ]
Why a new automation mindset is critical for aged care
With the future in mind, many aged care organisations are adopting a new automation mindset. But what exactly is this automation mindset, and why is it so critical? [ + ]
Why short-term loneliness is a risk to physical health
A study surrounding the impact of short-term loneliness on human health has revealed some stark findings. [ + ]
Lowering the risk of a fall on psychotropic drugs
A significant finding has been made by Macquarie University researchers studying the impact of psychotropic drugs on the risk of falls among older people. [ + ]
How gene targeting could help to treat osteoporosis
A new study has uncovered a promising gene that could be targeted when devising new treatments for osteoporosis. [ + ]
Predicting dementia nine years before diagnosis
A new test can predict the onset of dementia with 80% accuracy, according to researchers at Queen Mary University of London. [ + ]
UK study highlights benefits of fixing dangerous homes
Poor quality housing places undue financial pressure on both social care and health systems, according to the UK Centre for Ageing Better. [ + ]
Smart homes for older people: the new frontier
A tech revolution in elder care is occurring due to the worldwide boom in aging, according to researchers from Flinders University. [ + ]
Leadership in aged care: the elements of success
Juggling single motherhood, a costly legal battle and financial insecurity, aged care entrepreneur Chiou See Anderson's unwavering drive propelled her to success. [ + ]
How grief could be better managed in an aged care setting
A formal approach is urgently needed to support the grief and loss experienced by families of those in the residential aged care system, according to a review. [ + ]
How harmful gut bacteria trigger Alzheimer's
A growing body of evidence now suggests that it is not only age — but also diet — that affects the brain. [ + ]
Reshaping aged care in an age of increasing diversity
The Australian population is getting older and living longer, as well as becoming more culturally and linguistically diverse than ever before. [ + ]
What's next for governance in aged care?
Governance has been a hot topic for aged care providers and regulators in the aftermath of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. [ + ]