A palliative care digital dashboard for the aged-care sector
To support aged-care workers in planning and providing good-quality palliative and EOL care, the ELDAC team created an integrated palliative care web platform. [ + ]
Leading the way to better end-of-life care
April and Rebecca worked to find a way to capture the essence of a person and use that to inform health and legal decisions. This led the pair to establish ExSitu. [ + ]
A small-scale approach to aged and dementia care
The Group Homes Australia model is a small-scale care model that focuses on residents' abilities rather than their disabilities, providing health and social benefits. [ + ]
Aged-care reform puts technology on the table
Technology reform has been identified as an important part of delivering a new and improved aged-care system. [ + ]
Antimicrobials in aged care
Recent work by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has delivered a powerful reminder that action to improve antimicrobial use is vital to the safety of residents. [ + ]
Managing medication in aged care
These days, pharmaceuticals and aged care tend to go hand in hand, but with 95% of aged-care residents living with a medication-induced problem, the relationship is far from harmonious. [ + ]