Study reveals high level of antidepressant use in aged care
According to a new study, antidepressant use has increased at aged care facilities — with six in 10 residents taking this medication. [ + ]
Age-related hearing loss differs for men and women
Around one in five people around the world suffer from hearing loss, and this number is expected to rise as the global population ages. [ + ]
How human capital management can mitigate understaffing issues
An aging population, regulatory change and the rising cost and limited availability of labour are fuelling consolidation across the aged care sector. [ + ]
Using AI to predict Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease could be predicted up to seven years before symptoms appear, according to researchers from University of California – San Francisco. [ + ]
Does the weather cause muscle and joint pain?
A University of Sydney-led study has questioned the commonly held belief that temperature and humidity changes can trigger musculoskeletal pains or arthritis. [ + ]
How feasible is the potential new Aged Care Act?
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety exposed a litany of complaints and was a wake-up call for policymakers and service providers. [ + ]
Village space revamp for dementia patients
A village-like space has been unveiled within the Cognitive Assessment and Management (CAM) Unit at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane. [ + ]
Supporting aged care residents through their journey
Sandra Osborne's long-time passion to become a nurse started right from the time she was in high school. [ + ]
Language barriers: the impact on dementia patients
A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has explored the link between language barriers and aggression in dementia patients. [ + ]
Falls prevention: what is the gold standard?
Devastating falls in residential aged care homes could be avoided using "gold standard" approaches, according to new research. [ + ]
Delivering high-quality dementia care
Everyone working across the healthcare industry ought to be receiving compulsory education about dementia to increase their understanding and knowledge. [ + ]
Death and dying in aged care: managing worker mental health
Recent research shows that nearly half of aged care professionals exposed to death and dying are impacted professionally and mentally, but very few seek help. [ + ]
Do inflammatory foods damage muscle mass in older people?
Know someone over the age of 65 who struggles to open jars? Inflammatory foods may be to blame. [ + ]
What is preventing better quality care for older Australians?
It is clear that aged care funding needs urgent reform. Chris Mamarelis from Whiddon takes a look at the barriers faced by providers and how they can be overcome. [ + ]
Why mushrooms are key to aged care nutrition
One in four Australians are vitamin D deficient — with older people being at greater risk — and mushrooms may hold the key for prevention. [ + ]