Time to put research into older women's health on the agenda: NARI

Friday, 08 September, 2023

Time to put research into older women's health on the agenda: NARI

The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) is calling for research into older women's health to be on the agenda this Women's Health Week.

“Older women are often excluded from clinical trials. Risk factors and symptoms for a range of health conditions are based on men, meaning women’s health concerns are often dismissed or not taken seriously, a situation which is compounded as we age,” NARI Director Professor Briony Dow said.

“It’s time to put older women’s health on the agenda and invest in research that is more specific to them — for example, continence, dementia, physical activity, falls and balance, and psychosocial and mental health.

“The theme of this year’s Women’s Health Week is supporting women to make informed decisions about their health with information that’s easy to understand,” Dow said.

“I urge everyone to consider what this means for older women. How can we ensure we actively consider the myriad of challenges women face as they age, and how healthcare systems, government policies and communities can better support women to age well?”

Recent funding and policy commitments by the Australian and state governments have provided opportunities for investment to support women to live longer, healthier and more productive lives.

NARI is holding its annual summit themed ‘Menopause and Beyond’ on Friday, 15 September. The event will showcase pioneering programs aimed at promoting the health and wellbeing of older women and will also highlight how they can be empowered to manage their health into older age.

“We’re bringing together experts from across the field to share their insights on what it means to age as a woman in Australia, and how we can tailor support systems, programs and policies to improve outcomes for older women,” Dow said.

The summit will hear from Professor Susan Davis AO, Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for Women’s Health Kat Theophanous MP, and Federal Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care the Hon Ged Kearney MP.

Image credit: iStock.com/PeopleImages

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