New appointment for Adelaide PHN, Flinders aged-care venture
06 May, 2022Flinders Caring Futures Institute researcher Professor Stacey George has been appointed Professor in Healthy Ageing, Support and Care as part of a new collaborative venture driven by Flinders University and Adelaide Primary Health Network (PHN).
Upcoming changes to My Aged Care provider reporting start soon
08 April, 2022Changes to the My Aged Care reporting template for residential and in-home and community aged-care providers' weekly reporting will start from May 2022.
Six organisations to help boost in-home care workforce
07 April, 2022The federal government has shortlisted six organisations to help grow the home care workforce by 13,000 over the next two years.
Why I chose to work in aged care: Natalie Nobes
01 April, 2022Natalie Nobes, a 52-year-old mother of three adult children, has never let her hearing impairment get in the way of achieving her goals.
$522m for aged care but sector laments lack of action on wage growth
01 April, 2022The federal Budget will provide $522m to the aged-care sector to further help implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission.
Australian nurse researcher recognised by international society
29 March, 2022Australian College of Nursing President Emeritus Professor Christine Duffield has been announced as one of 32 new inductees into the Sigma International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.
Aged care providers urge PM to resolve crisis
14 February, 2022Aged care providers and unions have written an open letter to the Prime Minister urging him to resolve challenges facing the sector.
Aged Care Situation Report highlights sector challenges
07 February, 2022A Situation Report on the aged-care sector by the Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) paints a grim picture of the stresses faced by aged-care providers and their staff during the Omicron surge.
Aged-care providers welcome new National Aged Care Advisory Council
26 November, 2021Seventeen Australians have been appointed to the NACAC to provide expert advice on aged-care issues and the implementation of the $17.7 billion reform agenda.
Updated national care standard for delirium
09 September, 2021The updated national delirium care standard recognises the value of family and carer support.
New national care standard for Australians with cataract
17 August, 2021The Cataract Clinical Care Standard will help to ensure decisions about cataract surgery are more consistent nationally and based on clinical need.
Reshaping Australia's aged-care system
14 July, 2021 by Ahilan St George, Director, Vitality ClubHow do we turn our aged-care system from a national disgrace to something to be proud of?
Why the government's aged-care funding misses the mark
21 May, 2021 by Professor Joanne Travaglia*The Royal Commission recommended an injection of $10 billion a year and the Budget falls well short of that.