Support at Home program manual now available
14 March, 2025To support sector readiness, an early version of the Support at Home program manual has been released.
Report shows systemic need for better medicine use in aged care
06 December, 2023New research by a hospital pharmacist has identified significant variations between facilities in the frequency of usage for certain types of medicine.
AMA airs concerns about digital strategy for aged care
01 December, 2023The AMA has responded to the government's draft Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2023–2028.
Feedback sought on draft aged care design principles
08 September, 2023The federal government is seeking feedback on the draft National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines.
Aged care sector offered free education sessions
09 June, 2023Elder Rights Advocacy is urging service providers to take advantage of its free education sessions tailored to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals in the aged care sector.
Industry welcomes commencement of new Code of Conduct
02 December, 2022A new Code of Conduct for Aged Care sets out how approved providers and their staff must behave and treat consumers when providing services.
Opinion: Inconsistent VAD laws, language concerning
20 October, 2022 by Henry Zwartz, UNSW SydneyAll Australian states now have voluntary assisted dying (VAD) laws and whilst this is welcomed, there are some concerning discrepancies and inconsistencies.
Aged care providers urge PM to resolve crisis
14 February, 2022Aged care providers and unions have written an open letter to the Prime Minister urging him to resolve challenges facing the sector.
Aged-care providers welcome new National Aged Care Advisory Council
26 November, 2021Seventeen Australians have been appointed to the NACAC to provide expert advice on aged-care issues and the implementation of the $17.7 billion reform agenda.