Bactol Clear is a colour-free and pH-balanced antibacterial hand rub that kills bacteria without water.
Manufactured in Australia by Whiteley, an Australian family-owned business led by Dr Greg Whiteley, the hand rub leaves skin feeling soft and refreshed.
Whiteley understands the importance of hand hygiene and has developed a range of premium products and educational programs to reduce the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
The Whiteley range of hand hygiene products includes antibacterial hand sanitisers, hand soaps, antiseptic wash and hand moisturisers — all of which are manufactured in Australia.
Good hand hygiene combined with effective surface cleaning, particularly of high touch areas (ie, door handles and benchtops) assists in protecting staff and patients, and this is even more important currently given our community is experiencing high rates of colds and flus. Ensuring hand sanitisers are easily accessible will assist in minimising the risk of infection.
Visit to download the Whiteley infection prevention guides. For more information email us at
Phone: 1800 833 566
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