Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner appointed
Ms Andrea Kelly, a well-respected First Nations leader, has been appointed as the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner.
Kelly’s appointment is a first step in addressing Recommendation 49 of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which recommended a statutory First Nations Aged Care Commissioner to ensure culturally safe, tailored and flexible aged care services for First Nations people.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council (NATSIAACC) said that Kelly is a Warumungu and Larrakia woman who possesses decades of experience working in the interests of better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
“The interim Commissioner role is incredibly important,” said Lisa Orcher, CEO of NATSIAACC.
“Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders are the glue within many of our communities, and they have laid the groundwork for much of the progress being made today. But there are many, many barriers that are stopping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from accessing aged care, or from receiving appropriate care if they do manage to achieve access.
“The interim and ongoing Commissioner roles will play a significant role in identifying and analysing these situations, and seeking solutions,” she said.
“NATSIAACC is supportive of the interim Commissioner and looks forward to working with Ms Kelly to achieve better outcomes,” Orcher said.
“Ms Kelly brings considerable experience to the role of Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner,” said Anika Wells, Minister for Aged Care.
“The Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner will advocate for communities and service providers across Australia to help the reforms we are undertaking in aged care meet the needs of older First Nations people.”
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